GROWEX: More Than Just Granules of Power

Beyond its granular convenience, GROWEX packs a punch of benefits:

  • Long-Lasting Protection: Unlike foliar sprays, GROWEX's systemic action provides extended pest control, lasting up to 6 weeks, significantly reducing the need for frequent reapplication.

  • Broad-Spectrum Efficacy: Say goodbye to diverse pest menus! GROWEX effectively tackles an array of soil-dwelling insects, including white grubs, root flies, and wireworms, as well as foliar pests like leaf miners and thrips.

  • Dual-Action Defense: This unique formula delivers a one-two punch. Cartap Hydrochloride disrupts the nervous system of insects upon contact, leading to paralysis and death, while its systemic action protects new plant growth from within.

  • Rainfast and Weatherproof: Don't let the elements disrupt your defenses. GROWEX remains active even after rainfall and under diverse weather conditions, ensuring consistent protection.

  • Safe for Young Plants: Unlike some harsh chemicals, GROWEX is gentle on young seedlings and newly transplanted crops, making it a versatile choice for various growth stages.

GROWEX: Witness the Transformation in Your Crops

  • Reduced Pest Pressure: Watch as destructive pests disappear, leaving your plants healthy and thriving from root to tip.

  • Improved Yields: GROWEX protects your valuable produce, leading to bountiful harvests and increased profitability.

  • Enhanced Plant Health: With harmful pests out of the equation, your plants can focus their energy on growth and development, resulting in stronger, more resilient crops.

  • Peace of Mind: Knowing your crops are under the long-lasting, multi-pronged protection of GROWEX allows you to focus on nurturing your best harvest yet.

Easy to Use, Convenient Application:

  • Simply broadcast GROWEX granules around the base of your plants or mix them into the soil during planting.

  • Its granular formula enables easy and efficient application, minimizing waste and ensuring proper distribution.

Invest in GROWEX and experience the difference:

  • Gain the upper hand in the battle against soil-dwelling and foliar pests with long-lasting, weatherproof protection.

  • Safeguard your precious crops with a gentle yet effective formula suitable for young plants and diverse crops.

  • Embrace a responsible approach to pest control with GROWEX's targeted action and minimal environmental impact.

Order GROWEX today and watch your crops flourish under its invisible shield!

Important Note: Always read and follow label instructions carefully before using GROWEX or any agricultural product. Wear protective gear during application and dispose of empty containers responsibly.

GROWEX: Your Granular Guardian for a Thriving Harvest!

GROWEX: Unleash the Granular Shield for a Pest-Free Harvest

Safeguard your crops from the ground up with GROWEX, the potent granular insecticide powered by 4% Cartap Hydrochloride! This innovative formula, delivered in easy-to-use granules, acts like a silent sentinel, creating a protective zone around your plants' roots, deterring and eliminating a wide range of soil-dwelling and foliar pests.

Packaging size : 100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1ltr